$2,500,000 Truck Accident Recovery (Towing Accident in Stockton)


We represented the widow and adult children of a gentleman who was driving a truck on a rural country road.

Another truck, towing a trailer loaded with a piece of farm equipment, approached from the opposite direction. The truck towing the farm equipment veered slightly over the center line and the farm equipment caught the wheel of the first truck, causing it to go out of control and crash, killing our clients’ husband and father.

Our truck accident lawyers at Curtis Legal Group were able to get involved in the case right away and had a full on scene investigation accomplished, which included an expert in accident reconstruction. Skid marks were still visible and were helpful, along with measurements and photographs at the scene, in demonstrating how the accident occurred.

The case went into litigation and ultimately settled for the available insurance policy limits of $2,500,000. We were able to assist in getting a portion of the recovery money invested so that the decedent’s widow was provided with lifetime financial security.

If you or a loved one was injured a truck accident, contact the Stockton Personal Injury Attorneys at Curtis Legal Group today for a Free Consultation.